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In Arabidopsis, we had a long term collaboration with the group of Hervé Vaucheret at IJPB in Versailles who has been partner of several of our projects (RNAPATHS, EPIRNA from the Labex, SPLISIL), where our expertise in genomics, ncRNAs, RNP biochemistry has been complementary to Hervé’s group excellent expertise in gene silencing, aberrant RNAs, genetics and small RNA biology. We also had collaborations with the group of L. Nussaume at the CEA of Cadarache on the impact of phosphate starvation on gene regulatory networks, miRNAs and lncRNAs. We also initiated collaboration with M. Bennett and R. Swarup at CPIB in Nottingham on the analysis of ncRNAs in LR formation. More recently, we have initiated collaboration with the groups of J. Bailey Serres in Riverside and B. Gregory in U-Penn, both in USA, to address the interaction of lncRNAs with the translational machinery and different ribonucleoproteins.

In Medicago, we had strong collaborations with the LIPM lab, notably J. Gouzy, A. Niebel and P. Gamas’s labs, to analyse the role of small RNAs and lncRNA in nodule symbiosis. In addition, we coordinated the MIRMED program involving more than 10 different labs in France.

At IPS2, the most important collaboration is with Moussa Benhamed’s team where we contributed to different of his research lines dealing with chromatin looping, chromatin regulators and the regulation of specific targets in order to assess the impact of epigenetic regulations on plant physiology and development..

We also participated in more peripheral collaborations with different teams where our expertise helped other labs for their research, particularly with Moussa Benhamed’s lab (Latrasse et al., 2013; Jégu et al., 2014; Jégu et al., 2015; Veluchamy et al., 2016 and Jégu et al., 2018). We have also collaborated with several groups in Argentina and Spain interested in the action of specific ribonucleoproteins in intron processing, chloroplast splicing and viral interactions with the RQC pathways (Torres-Quesada et al., 2013; Nisa Martinez et al., 2013; Carlotto et al., 2016; Conti et al., 2017). Our expertise in the analysis of splicing also allowed us to contribute in recent papers dealing with its regulation during heat stress (Ling et al., 2018 and Albihlal et al., 2018). Furthermore, our knowledge of miRNA biology also contributed to different collaborations on small RNAs linked to water deficit in soybean root apexes (Zheng et al., 2016) and the miR390/TAS3 pathway in Medicago root architecture (Hobecker et al., 2018). 

Other collaborations include the action of miR169 and NFYA transcription factors in symbiosis and pathogen responses (Boudin et al., 2015 and Hanemian et al., 2016). Interestingly, our collaborations with the group of Andreas Niebel in Toulouse and the groups of  M. E Zanetti and more recently F. Ariel in Argentina have allowed our lab to initiate in 2018 a “Laboratoire International Associé” or LIA (International Associated Laboratory) of CNRS between our labs in France and Argentina. The focus of this project is the study of the NFY transcription factors interaction with lncRNAs as well as the impact of NFY on the mRNA “translatome”. This is a 4-year project that will allow the exchange of students and senior researchers between our labs and countries.