List of equipments
Two cold-rooms for seeds storage
Growth HOT chambers, in vitro and greenhouses facilities
Cellular biology
Berthold Technologies Nightshade LB985
Mutants phenotyping and characterization
Arcturus XT Laser Capture / Cutting Microdissection (LCM)
Logos Biosystems X-Clarity transparency station
Molecular biology
Christ-Iso Lyophilisator, Lyocube Alpha
Eppendorf and Applied Biogen 384 thermocyclers park
Beckman Fx Biomek liquid handling automation
Configured for high troughput DNA extraction
Fluidigm Access Array PCR system:
Targeted DNA NGS library preparation (48.48 IFC)
- Covaris S220 Focused-ultrasonicator
Sage Science PippinHT
High Throughput Size Selection for Next-Gen Sequencing
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument
BIO-RAD Droplet DigitalTM PCR system : QX200TM AutoDGTM
LOGOS BIOSYSTEMS LUNA™ Automated Cell Counter
NGS technologies
Illumina Sequencers :MiSeqTM & NextSeq500TM systems
10X Genomics Chromium single cell gene expression
IPS2 informatics core provides resources and skills to support IPS2 teams in the field of Bioinformatics.
For small scale analysis we have access to local power data center of 276 processors, 780 Go memory and 3 GPU cards.
For large scale analysis we have access to a Data Center (GENOTOUL) of about 5000 cores (INTEL-2014, AMD-2012), 34 Tera Byte memory (3TB on a SMP machine) and data storage. The data center permits access to more than 200 softwares, web servers and virtual machines hosting infrastructure.
CLC station