PMM: The Metabolism-Metabolome platform

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The platform is dedicated to qualitative and quantitative analysis of metabolites in plant matrices with approaches of classical metabolomics and the use of stable isotopes.

It offers its services in the context of collaborations or services. In both cases, the platform offers expertise ranging from experimental design to statistical data analysis.




Our double speciality allows us to combine metabolomics and fluxomics for a better understanding of metabolic networks within the plant cell. Our tools allow rapid metabolic phenotyping of plant lines to interpret the consequences of specific genetic mutations, determine the efficiency of carbon, nitrogen and water use and metabolic flows in plant organs. This research is part of an objective to optimize plant metabolism towards the production of raw materials that can be used in the food industry with a minimum amount of fertilizer.



The platform's missions are focused on three main areas:


It is a technical platform allowing you to carry out your analyses with state-of-the-art equipment: GCMS, LC MS MS, RMN, EA IRMS, ion chromato.


it serves as a support for research on primary (carbon, nitrogen and sulphur) and secondary metabolism of plants and their responses to environmental constraints. It is a force of proposal in scientific projects....


It plays a crucial role in the transmission of knowledge on cutting-edge technologies. She works in the field of initial and continuing training.


The platform is part of a close inter-platform collaboration: Saclay Plant Omics: SPOMICS within IPS2.


In addition to local collaborations, our Platform is also open to public, private, local, national or international laboratories. It is part of the Plug in Labs project of the University of Paris Saclay

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