

We are always willing to recruit highly motivated and open-minded PhDs and Postdocs. If you are interested in transposons, experimental evolution, population genomics and epigenomics, you care about climate change and food sustainability, and you want to investigate the role of transposons in adaptation while spending some time in the beautiful Paris, please contact us.




I-Postdoc position available: Assessing the adaptive potential of transposon-induced mutations in response to climate change


We are seeking a person with a strong background in population genetics. Experience in molecular genetics and/or ecology will be a plus. The project involves trans-generational competition experiments using a world-class facility of environmental simulators (i.e. the CEREEP-Ecotron). This position is fully supported by the ERC Starting Grant GENTE_Pop, starting by as early as January 2022. The contract is for two years with possibility of extension. Download here the job advertisement.


IIPostdoc position available: Exploiting natural epigenetic variation for tomato improvement


We are seeking a person with a strong background in epigenomics. Experience in quantitative genetics and plant biology will be a plus. The project is in collaboration with the group of Nicolas Bouché (IJPB, INRAE Versailles) and involves the analysis of large-scale epigenomic data for hundreds of tomato cultivars. This position is fully supported by an ANR grant, starting by as early as January 2022. The contract is for two years. Download here the job advertisement.

Applicants should send a CV and a cover letter summarising their experience and motivation to Leandro Quadrana (leandro.quadrana @ bio.ens.psl.eu). They should also arrange to have at least two letters of reference sent to this address.