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Current projects

  • ANR project : Insider « Understanding how symbiotic signals from rhizobium reprogram inner root tissues related to nutrition » (2025-2028). Partner : Sandra Bensmihen (LIPME, Toulouse).

  • ANR project : SymBase « Deciphering how symbiotic infection is triggered in lateral root base nodulated legumes » (2025-2028). Partners : Jean-François Arrighi (PHIM, Montpellier), Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel (LIPME, Toulouse).

  • ANR project : CytoSYM « Understanding how a cytokinin signaling transcription factor can control both positively and negatively symbiotic nodulation » (2023-2027). Partner : M. Benhamed (IPS2, France).

  • ANR project : SymbiSIL «Legume–rhizobia siRNA-mediated communication in symbiosis » (2022-2026). Partners : C. Lelandais (IPS2, France), L. Navarro (IBENS, France).

  • ANR project : SYMPA-PEP «Symbiotic & pathogenic peptides at the interface between plants and microorganisms » (2021-2025). Partners : N. Frei dit Frey (LRSV, Toulouse), B. Favery (ISA, Sophia-Antipolis).


Previous projects

  • ANR project : PIOSYM « Understanding the mode of action of a pioneer transcription factor during symbiotic nodule development » (2020-2023). Partners : A. Niebel (LIPM, Toulouse), M. Crespi et M. Benhamed (IPS2, Gif-sur-Yvette, France).
  • ANR project : PSYCHE « Plant systemic responses to changing root environments » (2017-2021). Partners : M. Lepetit (LSTM, Montpellier), C. Jacquet (LRSV, Toulouse).
  • EU collaborative project (H2020-SFS-2016-2017) : EUCLEG « Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase EU’s and China’s protein self-sufficiency » (2017-2021). Partners : 11 French Institutes/Universities and 5 Chinese.
  • ANR project : STAYPINK « Mechanisms controlling the transition between nitrogen fixation and senescence in legume symbiotic nodules » (2016-2020). Partners : C. Bruand (LIPM, Toulouse), P. Frendo (ISA, Sophia-Antipolis).

  • ANR project : NodCCAAT « Understanding the mode of action of the symbiosis-specific NF-YA1 transcription factor in Medicago truncatula » (2016-2019). Partners : A. Niebel (LIPM-Toulouse, France), M. Crespi and M. Benhamed (IPS2, Gif-sur-Yvette, France).

  • EU collaborative project (FP7-KBBE-2011-5. KBBE.2011.1.1-02) : ABSTRESS « Improving the resistance of legume crops to combined abiotic and biotic stress » (2012-2017). Partners : FERA (The Food and Environment Research Agency , UK), ESSEX (The University of Essex, UK), ABER (The University of Aberystwyth, UK), INRA-Dijon (France), ABC (Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Hungary), CSIC-Cordoba (Spain), GenXPro (Germany), Arterra Bioscience (Italy), PGRO (Processors and Growers Research Organization, UK), AGRO (Agrovegetal, Spain), AGRITEC (Czech Republic).
  • ANR-Blanc International (Hungary/France) project : LEGUMICS « Expanding the genomic tools for legumes and demonstrating their power in roots and symbiotic nodule development studies » (2011-2014). Partners : P. Kalo (ABC, Gödöllö, Hungary), G. Endre (BRC, Szeged, Hungary), A. Kereszt, (BAYGEN, Szeged, Hungary), P. Ratet (ISV-CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France).
  • ANR-Plant KBBE (Germany/Spain/France) project : ROOT « Root enhancement for crop improvement » (2010-2013). Partners : T. Schmülling (FUB, Berlin, Germany), A. Leyva (CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain), P. Nacry (BPMP-INRA, Montpellier, France), M. Crespi (ISV-CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France), A. Walter (ICG, Berlin, Germany), J. Weyen (SURL, Leopoldshöhe, Germany).
  • CNR-CNRS Italian-French bilateral project : « Role of KNAT transcription factors in root and nodule development » (2010-2014). Partner : G. Frugis (CNR, Roma, Italia).
  • ANR-« Jeune Chercheur » (Young Investigator) project : LEGUROOT « Cytokinin signaling and legume root architecture under symbiotic and non-symbiotic conditions » (2009-2012).
  • ANR-OGM project : DIAGNOGENE « Control of epigenetic inactivation of transgenes and diagnostic instability of gene expression » (2006-2010). Partner : H. Vaucheret (INRA, Versailles).
  • ECOS-Sud project : « Involvement of transcription factors in the regulation of salt stress responses in M. truncatula » (2007-2010). Partner : R. Chan (University of Santa Fe, Argentina).


Other collaborators

  • Michael Djordjevic, Canberra University, Canberra, Australia

  • Pascal Gamas, LIPM, INRA-CNRS, Toulouse, France
  • Sophie Goormachtig, VIB, Gent, Belgium

  • Ulrike Mathesius, Canberra University, Canberra, Australia
  • Jiangqi Wen, Oklahoma University, USA