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  • 2018-2022 : UE-Horizon H2020. "Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production” (BRESOV). (22 partners).  
  • 2018-2024: ANR blanc HIPATH. “High CO2 induction of pathogenesis-related responses in plants: signaling, metabolic pathways, and agronomic impact”. In collaboration with G. Noctor (IPS2, Orsay, Coordinator), M. Dufresne (IPS2, Orsay) and T. Langin (GDEC Clermont Ferrand)
  • 2012-2020 : ANR PeaMUST (PIA2, Biotechnologies et bioressources). «Adaptation Multi-Stress et Régulations biologiques pour l'amélioration du rendement et de la stabilité du pois protéagineux »  (J. Burstin ; INRA Dijon, coordinator) – (26 partners). 


Autres collaborations

Collaborations à l'international :

  • Scott Jackson (University of Georgia, USA)
  • Andrea Pedrosa-Harand (Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil)
  • Phillip McClean (North Dakota State University, USA)
  • Blake Meyers (University of Missouri, USA)
  • Phillip Miklas (USDA, Washington, D.C, USA)
  • Chris Zhang (Alcorn State University, USA)
  • Masoud Naderpour (Seed and Plant Certification Research Institute (SPCRI), Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Iran)


Collaborations nationales :

  • M. L. Pilet-Nayel (INRAe Rennes)
  • J. Joets (INRAe GQE Le Moulon)
  • H. Berges, W. Marande (CNRGV INRAe Toulouse)
  • M. Falque (INRAe GQE Le Moulon)
  • L. Moreau (INRAe GQE Le Moulon)
  • Fabien Nogué (INRAe IJPB Versailles)
  • Alexandre de Saint Germain (INRAe IJPB Versailles)