3rd Adam Kondorosi Symposium
Frontiers in Beneficial Plant-Microbe Interactions
24 - 25 April, 2017
Gif-sur-Yvette - FRANCE

The objective of this Symposium is to create a scientific event that is at the forefront of fundamental research in beneficial plant-microbe interactions.
The Symposium will bring together about 150 participants in a rather informal atmosphere, facilitating exchanges. We also aim at proposing a highly attractive program at a moderate inscription fee to give the opportunity to researchers - in particular those at the early stage of their career - to participate to an exciting top-level scientific event. Young researchers will have the opportunity to present their work with a poster.
The Scientific Organizing Committee
Pascal Ratet, Martin Crespi, Jean Colcombet, Alia Dellagi, Florian Frugier, Peter Mergaert.
Information for program, venue and registration can be found at :
Contact :
contact.ips2 @ u-psud.fr