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      New roles for MAP Kinases in nitrate perception

      Nitrate activates an MKK3-dependent MAPK module via NLP transcription factors in Arabidopsis
      As part of a collaborative study between the NUTS team from the Institute Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB) and STRESS...

    • February 2025

       February 12, 2025 at 11:00 a.m
      Red room of the education building
       Dr. Satomi Kanno

      "Phosphate transport mechanisms revealed by micro-regional tracer imaging"
      Invitation  Cécile RAYNAUD

      Dr. Satomi Kanno


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      Happy New Year 2025

      All the teams at IPS2 wish you a very happy New Year 2025! May this new year bring you health, happiness, and success in all your personal and professional projects.
      I also hope that throughout this new...

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      Tropical Christmas at IPS2

      IPS2 Christmas lunch
      Like every year, IPS2 celebrated the festive season with its traditional Christmas lunch on Tuesday December 17. It was an opportunity for all staff to get together over a convivial...

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      A patho-symbiotic bacteria in legume plants

      Atypical rhizobia trigger nodulation and pathogenesis on the same legume hosts
      The emergence of commensalism and mutualism often derives from ancestral parasitism. However, in the case of rhizobium-legume...

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      The CEP peptide-CRA2 receptor module promotes arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis

      The CEP peptide-CRA2 receptor module promoting root competence for symbiotic nodulation also promotes arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
      C-terminally encoded peptides (CEPs) are small secreted signaling...

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      Ensuring yield stability using parthenocarpy

      Parthenocarpy, a pollination-independent fruit set mechanism to ensure yield stability
      In a recent study, published in the journal Trends in Plant Science, scientists from the FloCad team at IPS2 provided...

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      New roles for MAP Kinases in plant germination

      The MKK3 module integrates nitrate and light signals to modulate secondary dormancy in Arabidopsis thaliana
      Sarah Regnard from the Stress Signaling group at IPS2 recently published her PhD work in PNAS

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      NopL interacts with symbiotic NF signaling

      The type III effector NopL interacts with GmREM1a and GmNFR5 to promote the nodulation in soybean
      The establishment of symbiotic interactions between leguminous plants and rhizobia requires complex cellular...

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      Volatile Organic Compounds dependent rodent seed choice

      Wild rodents seed choice is relevant for sustainable agriculture
      A study published in Scientific Reports Pr. Dawei Xin (Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Chine) laboratory, in collaboration with...

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      A new PI at IPS2

      Hannes Kollist will become the new co-head of the STRESS team in IPS2
      Since April 1st, a new Principal Investigator has joined IPS2. Hannes Kollist, who was recently recruited by the INRAE as a senior...

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      A CEP signaling peptide regulating symbiotic nodules but not roots

      The Medicago SymCEP7 hormone increases root nodule number via shoots without compromising lateral root number
      Legumes acquire soil nutrients both through their nitrogen-fixing root nodules and lateral...

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      Single nuclei analysis of symbiotic nodulation

      Cell-specific pathways recruited for symbiotic nodulation in the Medicago truncatula legume
      Medicago truncatula is a model legume species that has been studied for decades to understand the symbiotic...

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      Dr. Jérémie Bazin was recruited at IPS2 as a INRAE researcher

      Jeremie Bazin is a researcher (INRAE) in the IPS2 unit (Institut des Sciences des Plantes - Paris-Saclay, UMR 9213 UPSaclay/CNRS/INRAE). He has been recruited in May 2021 in Martin Crespi's team.

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      A new team at IPS2

      The new team headed by Leandro Quadrana  will join the Developmental Genomics and Genetics (DGG) department  to investigate the contribution of genomic and epigenomic variation to plant diversity. What...