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Digital Cleaning Week at IPS2

Digital Cleaning Week at IPS2

The first edition of the “Digital Cleaning Week” was organized at IPS2. This operation, piloted by the "sustainable research activity" committee (ARS), the bioinformatics platform and the institute's IT department, aimed to delete as much unnecessary data as possible. Each team dedicated at least half a day to this cleaning, and the result is encouraging: 20 Tb of data were deleted!

This first edition was an opportunity to share good practices regarding data storage, their backup and reuse, organizational tips, and also to initiate discussions around data management in research groups. This has also allowed raising staff awareness on the ecological impact of digital research activities.

This is a very positive result, both in terms of the involvement of the collective and freed up storage space. Of course, this is an operation that should be repeated, and the next one will take place at the time of the « data spring » event ( https://printempsdeladonnee.fr/ ).

See you next year for a follow up review!


Size and percentage of data cleaned by the main research teams.

Size and percentage of data cleaned by the main research teams: On the x-axis is the percentage of data cleaned per team. The size of the circle is proportional to the percentage of data cleaned. The ordinate shows the size of the data stored after cleaning.
Size and percentage of data cleaned by the main research teams: On the x-axis is the percentage of data cleaned per team. The size of the circle is proportional to the percentage of data cleaned. The ordinate shows the size of the data stored after cleaning.
